Why property in Ooty?
Life in Ooty is like living in a Queen’s house, where everything will make you feel better compared to life in plains that drains your energy and will, with the heat and stress. The situation in the plains will make you uncomfortable with its high temperature.
Wanting Peace in Heights
The mesmerizing view of the tea plantations, the fragrance of spices and tea will keep your mind fresh. While in Ooty, you can’t miss a cup of Masala Chai that fills you up with enthusiasm and keeps you refreshed for the whole day.
How could I forget about the train which I came to Ooty for the first time Mettupalayam to Ooty. The beauty of the hills and the insane view from the train, running at such a height was thrilling and such a treat to the eyes.
The height of the hill is 2240 m and it is above the sea level, 86 km north of Coimbatore and 128 km south of Mysore where it is near to the Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. The highest and lowest temperature in summer: 23 to 10 °C, the highest and lowest temperature in winter: 15 to 5 °C. The normal temperature in plains is 30 o C and above.
The sceneries are something that you cannot find elsewhere – Green, with a little sprinkle of the other colors in the palette with which Nature has painted this beautiful place. Anybody that travels to Ooty, would grow reluctant to leave the place. If only there was a way to stay there permanently...
Here Comes an idea - Buy Property in Ooty
It was once when my family and I went on a tour to Ooty was I have been hypnotized by the beauty of nature. It was then when I realized why it is called the ‘Queen of Hills’. It was as if the Queen spread her green dresses all over the slope, lined with a unique step – by – step, finely chopped tea fields. The whole community in and around The Queen’s palace, made me realize that I wanted to be a part too.
Searching for my place in heaven

I had started my search for my own place in heaven. It was always tough to buy property in hill stations because the procedures and the formalities are more. This was when I met a person online who was selling premium property through Hills & Wills. I immediately approached them, and I got to know more about how one can buy and sell
property in Ooty with Hills & Wills. I surfed their website more and more and once I finalized which property I wanted to buy, I approached them, then visited Ooty to see the property. Their support in showing the land made me feel so comfortable. Finally, I saw my heaven with their help; that was the best property I ever saw in these few months. The property has a great view of mountains, filled with full of trees and birds flying over the mountains makes you feel good even on a bad day.
If you plan to buy a property at a hill station then go with the best - Hills & Wills, a premium Property Management Company exclusive for major South Indian hill stations. For More details go through their website: https://www.hillsandwills.com/